Friday, May 11, 2007

Michelle Obama -- not a self-proclaimed feminist, but pretty damn strong if you ask me

She graduated from Princeton and Harvard -- where she says she was surrounded by white professors, and never quite felt like she fit in -- and later moved in to a top law firm in Chicago, where she was making big bucks as the sole black female. Now, she is grappling with the decision to "opt out" of work so that she can raise her kids, and prepare for the adventure of standing next to her husband who may very well become the first black president in the United States.

Is she a feminist, the Washington Post asked her.

"You know, I'm not that into labels," Michelle Obama said in the interview. "So probably, if you laid out a feminist agenda, I would probably agree with a large portion of it," she said. "I wouldn't identify as a feminist just like I probably wouldn't identify as a liberal or a progressive."